Monthly Archives: May 2021

A Presentation Scroll of the 23rd Psalm

Recently, Jane had the honour to be asked to create an illuminated version of the 23rd Psalm to be presented to Joshua Stafford, the new organist of Riverside Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.  What a delightful commission!  This is Jane’s favourite Psalm (it’s number 22 in the Psautier Enluminé de Ligugé), and it was an added pleasure that the page included the opening stave of the musical setting of this Psalm by H. Walford Davies.   The young organist taking up this post at Riverside Church, Joshua Stafford, is a brilliant musician who has already won awards for his mastery of this complicated instrument, the organ!  You can learn more about Joshua here:

These photos show you the “scroll” created by Jane, and presented to Joshua on the 25th of April, 2021 (the 4th Sunday of Easter, traditionally dedicated to the “Good Shepherd”) as he began his appointment as Director of Music Ministries and Organist.

Joshua Stafford  Scroll of Psalm 23

Scroll of Psalm 23: detail  Scroll of Psalm 23: detail