Jane is the author of several books both in English and in French:
- Calligraphy – A Comprehensive Guide to Beautiful Lettering (Pauper Press, New York). In French: Initiation à la Calligraphie, published by Dessain & Tolra/Larousse, France.
- Dessiner les Lettres Enluminées, Dessiner les Lettres Enluminées Fantastiques, Dessiner les Fées (published by Dessain & Tolra/Larousse).
- Illuminated Letters Sketchbook (Pauper Press, NY)
- How to Create Celtic Illuminations (French title: Dessiner les Enluminures et Entrelacs Celtiques ).
- How to Draw Unicorns (French title: Dessiner les Licornes)
- Return to Faërie, an adult and young adult fantasy trilogy
NB: These final titles (Celtic, Unicorns and the fantasy novel) are all self-published by Jane, and may be ordered directly from her, or found on Amazon.com. The other titles can all be found on Amazon also, or ordered through your local bookseller.