Welcome to the CalligraFĂ©e On-Line Art School
Jane invites you to join her for entertaining and detailed classes in
Fantasy Art, Creative Illumination and Calligraphy.
These on-line calligraphy, illuminated letters and art classes are designed for both children and adults. You may be a beginner and completely new to studying art, or maybe you love to draw but you’d like to have a little help in learning to give form to your imagination. Or, perhaps, you’re already an artist, but you’d like to broaden your horizons and learn new skills and styles… Well, this is the School for you!!
We’ll learn to draw — first very simply and then with more precision — unicorns and dragons, fairies and mermaids, flying horses and sea-monsters! We’ll create wonderful decorated letters, like the illuminations in medieval manuscripts, inhabited by all our favourite fantasy creatures and bursting with swirling vines, smiling flowers, toadstool houses, and all sorts of animals: cats and dogs, horses and dolphins, birds and butterflies! Jane’s illustrations are filled with crazy and humorous life, with complicated motifs and also simple, elegant designs….  plus, Celtic interlace and spirals — not at all difficult to master! — to add to your illuminations.
Calligraphy is one of Jane’s favourite subjects, and she will guide you through the steps of learning to write spikey Gothic, friendly Humanist, romantic Italic, and very-medieval French Bâtarde!
The courses Jane offers in her On-Line Art School consist of modules of SIX classes (each about 15 to 30 minutes in length) for each subject or project.   New modules will be added regularly.
Jane offers you a free introductory video-class, showing you how to design and color (only with colored pencils this time!) a beautiful little illuminated letter, with simple leaf-motifs —- just to get you started, and to experience Jane’s style of sharing her skills.
You have two choices when you decide to join the Art School:
Option 1: You can decide to purchase a year’s access to ALL SIX modules in the School for only 65€. Then, as you have full access to all the modules together, you can go back and forth between classes all year, repeating those you’d like to perfect, comparing and revising and continuing to enjoy all of the videos !
Option 2: You can register for a single module, at 16€ each, and you’ll have access to the corresponding classes for one year from the date you sign-up. But no other modules can be added to that one simultaneously: when you change to a new module, you lose access to the previous one.
Details of the content of each module are available on the “Course Content” page.
Payment is made in euros by credit card or Paypal. In each module, you will receive SIX classes (more than 2 hours of teaching) to which you will have full access for TWELVE MONTHS, to watch as often as you wish, to stop and study, to revisite and review according to your tastes and your time. You can watch them all immediately, or go at your chosen pace: one per week, two per week, one per fortnight…. It’s up to you! Each class includes handouts, as well, that you can download, print and keep. Materials will be suggested for each lesson, but rest assured, you probably have most of what you need already (pencils, paper, eraser, colored pencils, water color/gouache paints…).
So please go to the “Free Trial” page to get access to your first FREE class with Jane!  Of course, you can also “Join Us” directly! And don’t forget to visit our Facebook page.
Looking forward to working with you — See you very soon in Calligrafee On-Line Calligraphy and Art classes!
Beautiful work! Please send me he first free lesson.
Hello, thank you! Here it is :